Looking for some fun, seasonal fall kids birthday party ideas?!
As we head into the fall season, we reminisce about our favorite things… like pumpkin spice lattes, crisp weather and visiting pumpkin patches.
That’s why you’re going to love this list of a variety of fall party themes we found to choose from!
From pumpkins to spooky to football to camping, there’s truly something for everyone to plan that special day for your child.
Let’s get started…
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Pumpkin Themed Kids Birthday Ideas
If your child is a fall baby, what better what to celebrate their birthday than with a pumpkin theme!
You’re going to love every one of these…
Source: Beijos Events
Source: Rustic Urban Events
Source: Chic from Chicago
Source: 4 Charms Events
Source: Petals and Pearls
Source: Oh Jupiter’s Bakery
Source: Little House on Chesnut
Source: ByZuLyC
Source: Kenzies Events
Halloween Themed Kids Birthday Ideas
If you’re hosting a birthday party in mid to late October, then hosting a Halloween party makes perfect sense!
Have all of the kids come dressed in a Halloween costume and utilize all of the fun and spooky decorations.
Source: Creative Touch by Johanny
Source: La Cultivateur
Source: Beijos Events
Source: Paper Garden XOXO
Source: Sugar Cartel Sydney
Other Fall Kids Birthday Themes
Looking for a theme a bit more creative for your child’s birthday?
There’s more to the autumn season than just pumpkins!
Think camping, farm animals, football and lumberjacks.
There’s plenty more to discover…
Source: Deets and Things
Source: Parties on Purpose
Source: His and Hers Events
Source: Happy Little Glampers
Source: Little Artist Party
Final Words
I hope you loved this list of unique fall birthday party ideas!
Take some (or all) and create an event that kids of all ages will enjoy.
It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy the outdoor weather and celebrate the season!
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